Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Treatment

Gut Health, the Holistic Way to Improve Your Whole Health

If you have frequent or chronic abdominal bloating (gas), including belching and flatulence, abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, or have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), we can help. The root cause of your symptoms may be small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

SIBO means there’s too much bacteria in your small intestine, where it doesn’t belong.

Ordinarily, these bacteria live elsewhere in the gastrointestinal tract. But when they overgrow in a location not suited for such a high concentration, they can trigger many uncomfortable symptoms. SIBO is serious and affects your health and quality of life.

At Hawaii Integrative, we are naturopathic doctors with effective treatments following a holistic approach. Our goal is to provide the most effective SIBO treatment Honolulu has to offer. We have sophisticated testing capabilities and individually design a personal treatment plan for each patient.

Honolulu Sibo holistic medicine Oahu Hawaii

Hundreds of Personalized Treatment Combinations


Major Symptoms SIBO Treatment Relieves


Science-Based, Holistic Approach

Testing and Treatment to Reduce or Eliminate Your GI Symptoms

The Best SIBO Treatment Hawaii Offers

If you’ve been suffering for years with gastrointestinal symptoms including bloating, stomach pain and cramps, constipation, diarrhea, or even been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), finally being treated for SIBO can be life-changing.

An unhealthy gut can be the underlying cause for many other conditions. Let us restore your gut health with a proper bacterial balance, and you’ll be amazed by how much better you feel every day. 

The understanding of SIBO and the treatment plan you’ll discuss in a single visit to Hawaii Integrative will show that relief is right around the corner.

Besides bloating, stomach pain, constipation, and diarrhea, SIBO may negatively impact your body as a whole and cause …

  • A low energy level and unhappy mood 
  • Irritated skin and painful joints
  • Sleep loss and sluggish metabolism (weight gain)
  • Suppressed immune function
  • Depression and anxiety

SIBO and the many symptoms it triggers can feel overwhelming and debilitating. But the good news is that at Hawaii Integrative, we have had great success in reducing symptoms for patients of many ages and from different walks of life.

Many people who come to us have suffered for years and all but given up on finding long-term and dependable relief. When our scientifically based breath and blood testing reveal a treatable condition like SIBO to be the root cause, they are both amazed and relieved.

Why is SIBO a Problem Today?

The most likely answer is that our modern lives have caused an increase in SIBO’s incidence that is both accidental and unwanted.

We can attribute it to several factors, chief among them the overprescribing of antibiotics and the overuse of antibacterial products. Other contributing factors are our unhealthy diets (processed foods), sedentary lifestyles, and reduced contact with bacteria in the outdoors and natural world (soil, plants, animals).

The result is a perfect storm scenario in which the natural balance of bacteria needed to maintain our gut health has been adversely affected. Some people’s bodies react more to these factors and when they do, SIBO can and does occur.

We Provide Science-Based Testing and Treatment

Everything we do as Naturopathic Doctors at Hawaii Integrative is based on science. We begin with one of the area’s most thorough new patient assessments — our average appointment time is two hours per patient. Our practitioners employ many diagnostic tools including advanced testing.

The presence of SIBO can be detected and confirmed with both breath and blood testing. When combined with your symptom history, test results provide a clear indicator of what’s happening inside your small intestine and gastrointestinal tract overall.

With that information, we work with you to develop a personalized and unique treatment plan.

  • Personalized dietary recommendations
  • Prescription and herbal antimicrobials
  • Specifically selected probiotics 
  • Gut reparative cocktails
  • Immunoglobins
Honolulu gut health holistic doctor in Oahu Hawaii

With a Science-Based, Naturopathic Approach

We‘ll Reduce Your SIBO Symptoms Quickly

Restore your quality of life, feel more energetic, sleep better, learn how to eat well for your body in a way you enjoy; many patients also lose weight in the process

Our Practice Methods are Ahead of the Curve

Advanced SIBO Testing and Diagnosis

New patients are carefully screened with advanced breath and blood tests, including the Trio-Smart test, developed at the Pimentel Laboratory, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Honolulu sibo testing for digestive health in Oahu Hawaii.
A customized diet plan for your SIBO and digestive health.

Unmatched Attention to Your Personal Needs

Unique Treatment Plans for Every Patient

No two patients are alike and we treat you uniquely with personally recommended prescription medications, herbal antimicrobials, probiotics, and gut-reparative cocktails

Get in Touch

    Contact Details

    Hawaii Integrative Health Care is a Oahu holistic doctor and Honolulu naturopathic doctor in Kailua, Hawaii.